Fintech data analytics: How to use data Analytics in Fintech

We summarize the key points or highlight how data analytics can improve decision-making and transform fintech business.

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How to connect your integrations to your CRM platform?

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The fintech industry is booming, but how do you beat the competition?

The answer is simple: data analytics.

Data analysis helps you understand customers, tailor services to individual needs, and prevent fraud. This article discusses how you can achieve them using data analytics in detail.

The importance of data analytics in fintech


You can leverage data analytics to personalize the customer experience by gaining insights into spending habits, financial goals, and risk profiles. 

It allows you to tailor products and services to individual needs. For example, imagine a young professional who uses a mobile banking app known for its innovative features. Data analysis reveals that this user frequently transfers money internationally and saves a significant portion of their income. 

Your fintech app can use this information to:

  • Proactively recommend a multi-currency account with lower international transfer fees, saving the user money.
  • Offer personalized investment options aligned with long-term savings goals.

This level of personalization positions the fintech company as a helpful financial partner, demonstrating an understanding of the user's unique financial situation.

Mitigate risks

Fintech thrives on trust and security. 

Data analytics ensures a safe financial ecosystem for businesses and customers. Here's how:

  • Credit scoring: Data analytics helps develop more accurate credit scoring models by analyzing historical data and financial behavior patterns. It allows you to make informed lending decisions, reducing the risk of defaults.
  • Regulatory compliance: Data analytics helps you stay compliant with strict regulations by identifying and monitoring potential risks.

In short, mitigate risks to build trust and ensure sustainable growth.

Deep customer insights:

For example, a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform traditionally relies on credit scores to assess loan eligibility. 

However, data analytics allows them to analyze borrowers’:

  • Cash flow consistency: By looking at income deposits and bills paid, the platform can identify borrowers with a positive cash flow, even if their credit score isn't perfect. It enables them to provide loans to a broader pool of qualified borrowers.
  • Savings habits: Analyzing historical savings behavior can indicate a borrower's commitment to responsible financial management. The platform could offer lower interest rates to borrowers who consistently set aside money, even if their credit score is slightly lower.

Fraud detection

Fraud is a persistent threat in the financial industry. 

Here's where data analytics works as a powerful tool to fight against fraud:

  • Real-time monitoring: Data analytics enables continuous monitoring of transactions and user behavior. Advanced algorithms can analyze large amounts of data in real time, detecting suspicious patterns such as:some text
    • Unusual spending habits (large purchases outside typical spending patterns)
    • Transactions originating from unfamiliar locations or devices
    • Login attempts from geographically impossible locations
  • Machine learning: Data analysts can train machine learning algorithms on historical data that contains known fraudulent activities. It allows them to continuously learn and adapt, becoming more effective at detecting new and evolving fraud tactics.
  • Predictive analytics: Data analytics can predict future occurrences by analyzing past fraud attempts. It allows companies to take preventive measures and implement additional security protocols for high-risk situations.

Key data analytics techniques in fintech

The financial technology (fintech) industry thrives on its ability to understand and leverage customer data.

Data science techniques are vital in this process, empowering fintech companies to extract valuable insights and gain a competitive edge.

Here's a look at some of the data science techniques used in fintech:

Predictive analytics:

By analyzing historical data, fintech companies can predict future customer behavior, creditworthiness, and potential fraud. 

It allows them to make more informed decisions, such as personalized loan offers, targeted fraud prevention measures, and optimized investment strategies.

Machine learning:

You can train machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and trends within financial data.

Then, use these algorithms for a variety of tasks, including:

  1. Credit scoring
  2. Fraud detection
  3. Customer segmentation

Natural language processing (NLP):

NLP empowers computers to understand and process human language.

In fintech, this has several applications:

  1. Sentiment analysis
  2. Chatbots for customer service

Data visualization:

Presenting complex financial data visually compellingly, such as charts, graphs, and dashboards, makes it easier for decision-makers to understand trends and patterns.

It can be crucial for identifying areas of strength and weakness, uncovering new opportunities, and making data-driven business decisions.

Network analysis:

This technique involves analyzing the relationships between entities, like customers, transactions, and institutions. 

Network analysis is helpful for:

  1. Identifying fraud
  2. Understanding customer relationships

Cluster analysis:

This technique groups similar data points together. You can use cluster analysis for:

  1. Customer segmentation
  2. Anomaly detection

Time series analysis:

This technique analyzes information to identify trends and patterns over time.

In fintech, time series analysis is helpful for:

  1. Financial forecasting
  2. Demand forecasting

Regression analysis:

This technique identifies the relationship between a dependent variable (like loan default rate) and one or more independent variables (like borrower income and credit score).

Regression analysis helps fintech companies to:

Price products accurately: By understanding the factors influencing loan defaults, fintech companies can price their products more competitively and manage risk effectively.

Optimize marketing campaigns: Regression analysis can help identify which marketing channels are most effective at acquiring new customers, allowing for better resource allocation.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for fintech

The following are a few essential KPIs for a fintech company.

Customer acquisition cost (CAC):

This metric calculates the average cost associated with acquiring a new customer. 

It's crucial for understanding the efficiency of marketing and sales efforts. Here's the formula:

CAC = Total customer acquisition costs/number of customers acquired


A mobile payment app spends $50,000 on marketing campaigns monthly and acquires 1,000 new users. 

Its CAC would be - CAC = $50,000/1,000 users = $50 per user

A low CAC indicates efficient customer acquisition strategies. 

Fintech companies can use this metric to compare different marketing channels (social media, influencer marketing) and optimize their budget allocation.

Monthly active users (MAU):

This KPI tracks the number of unique users interacting with your fintech platform monthly. 

It's a key indicator of user engagement and platform stickiness.


A stock trading app has 1 million registered users, but only 200,000 users log in and make trades in a particular month. Its MAU would be 200,000.

A growing MAU signifies a healthy user base. Fintech companies can analyze user behavior within the app to understand what features drive engagement and prioritize development efforts accordingly.

Average revenue per user (ARPU):

This metric reveals the average revenue generated from each user over a specific period (month, quarter, year). 

It's essential for understanding revenue generation and potential for growth.

ARPU = Total revenue/number of users


A money transfer service generates $100,000 in transaction fees monthly and has 50,000 active users. 

Its ARPU would be - ARPU = $100,000/50,000 users = $2 per user

A high ARPU indicates an effective monetization strategy. 

Fintech companies can use this metric to analyze the effectiveness of different features or services that generate revenue (subscriptions, transaction fees) and explore ways to increase the average value extracted from each user.

Customer lifetime value (CLTV):

This metric predicts a customer's total revenue throughout their relationship with the company. 

Understanding CLTV helps prioritize customer retention efforts and optimize marketing strategies. There's no one-size-fits-all formula for 

CLTV, but a common approach is:

CLTV = Average revenue per user (ARPU) x average customer lifespan


Imagine a fintech startup with an ARPU of $50 per year and an average customer lifespan of 4 years. 

Its CLTV would be: CLTV = $50/year x 4 years = $200

A high CLTV indicates a loyal customer base that generates significant revenue over time. 

Fintech companies can use this metric to prioritize customer retention efforts like loyalty programs or targeted marketing campaigns to high-value customers.

Net promoter score (NPS):

This metric gauges customer loyalty by measuring their willingness to recommend the platform to others. 

NPS measures customer loyalty through a simple question: "Recommend us?" (0-10 scale).

  • Promoters (9-10): Loyal fans who recommend.
  • Passives (7-8): Neutral, not unhappy, but not promoters.
  • Detractors (0-6): Unhappy customers who could badmouth the brand.

NPS = % Promoters - % Detractors (The higher, the better).

Example: A bank with 40% promoters and 30% detractors has an NPS 10.

High NPS = Strong customer base and positive brand perception.

Fintechs use NPS to:

  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Address customer pain points
  • Boost loyalty and brand advocacy

By tracking NPS consistently, fintechs gain valuable insights to optimize marketing, improve user engagement, and grow revenue.

Benefits of using DataBrain for fintech analytics:

DataBrain's AI-powered BI tool offers several advantages:

Natural language processing (NLP):

Ask questions and generate reports using plain English, eliminating the need for complex queries.

Easy customization and dashboards: 

Create intuitive dashboards to visualize key metrics and track KPIs in real time. No coding is required!

Secure and scalable platform: 

DataBrain ensures your data is safe, and the platform scales to accommodate your growing data volumes.

By leveraging DataBrain's AI capabilities, fintech companies can:

Shorten analysis time: Getting answers to your questions quickly and efficiently allows faster decision-making.

Empower non-technical users: Business users can gain insights from data without relying on IT teams.

Gain deeper insights: Uncover hidden patterns and trends in your data that traditional methods might miss.

Utilizing data's potential: Building a fintech strategy for the future

Data analytics has become indispensable in the fintech industry. 

By leveraging its power to understand customers, mitigate risks, and optimize operations, fintech companies can create a more personalized, secure, and efficient financial experience.

As the industry evolves, embracing data-driven strategies will be paramount for achieving long-term success and building a loyal customer base.

To truly grasp your customers' needs and preferences, deliver tailored services, and build unwavering loyalty, use the power of the DataBrain interactive tool to transform your data into impactful insights. Sign up for free!

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