Contract Management Reports: Leverage Data for Smarter Deals

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Integrate your CRM with other tools

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How to connect your integrations to your CRM platform?

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Why using the right CRM can make your team close more sales?

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A staggering 90% of business users find contracts hard to understand due to confusing legal terms. This can lead to missed deadlines, hidden fees, and non-compliance issues, ultimately impacting your bottom line.

Imagine! Complex agreements transformed into clear, straightforward guides. Everyone involved will know what to expect and can take action quickly. Contract management reports powered by data are the key to unlocking this clarity and efficiency. 

This guide will show you how to leverage contract management reports to gain valuable information from your agreements, leading to better understanding, streamlined processes, and significant cost savings.

Read Also: Guide on Contract Management Dashboard

Understanding Contract Management Reports

Contract management reports summarize vital information about your organization's contracts. They take complex contract data and present it in a way that's easy to understand. This analysis helps you make informed decisions about your contracts and optimize the contracting processes.

For example, a contract management report might show you

  • How long does it typically take to complete different types of contracts?
  • Whether you are meeting compliance requirements for your contracts?
  • How much money are you saving through current contracts?

By providing these insights, contract management reports become a valuable tool to manage contracts more effectively.

See it in action
Contract Management Dashboards

Why are Contract Management Reports Important?

Effective contract management reports are essential for business success. They provide transparency, which helps you achieve several key benefits:

1. Save Money: Reports can identify areas where you can save money on your contracts. 

Example: A report reveals a software licensing agreement includes a per-user fee, but your company only utilizes half the authorized users. Renegotiating the contract based on actual usage can lead to significant cost savings.

2. Build Stronger Relationships: Clear reports can improve communication and trust with vendors and clients. 

Example: A report identifies a potential delay in a critical project delivery from a key supplier. Proactively sharing this report with the supplier allows for open communication and collaborative problem-solving to minimize disruption.

3. Reduce Risk: Reports can help you identify potential problems with your contracts so you can fix them before they become serious issues. 

Example: Reports can track insurance expiry dates within contracts, preventing gaps in coverage that could expose your organization to financial risks.

4. Work More Efficiently: Reports can save time by automating data collection and analysis. 

Example: Imagine a scenario where a colleague needs to review a specific clause in a contract with a marketing agency. Traditionally, they might need to sift through physical copies or digital folders to locate it. However, contract management software can generate a report that filters contracts by vendor or clause type, allowing them to find the information within seconds.

Types of Contract Management Reports

Contract management reports are tools in a toolbox – each serves a specific purpose. Picking the right report for the right situation ensures you get the most valuable insights from your contract data. Here are a few key types of reports:

  • Performance Reports
  • Risk Reports
  • Financial Reports
  • Contract Lifecycle Reports
  • Contract Comparison Reports

1. Performance Reports:

  • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) like:
    • Response times to service tickets or inquiries
    • Resolution rates for issues
    • Adherence to service level agreements (SLAs) with vendors
    • On-time project delivery
  • Help identify areas for improvement and ensure both parties are meeting obligations.

2. Risk Reports:

  • Analyze potential problems associated with contracts:
    • Delays in project milestones
    • Non-compliance with regulations
    • Financial risks like unexpected fees or cost overruns
    • Counterparty performance risks
  • Help mitigate risks and take proactive measures to avoid issues.

3. Financial Reports:

  • Track the financial aspects of contracts:
    • Total contract value
    • Upcoming payments and invoices
    • Earned value and potential cost overruns
    • Identify potential savings opportunities and ensure budgets are met.

4. Contract Lifecycle Reports:

  • Track the progress of contracts through different stages:
    • Negotiation and approval phases
    • Contract execution and active performance period
    • Upcoming renewal or expiration dates
  • Help ensure timely renewals, avoid missed deadlines, and identify bottlenecks in the contract lifecycle.

5. Contract Comparison Reports:

  • Compare key terms of multiple contracts (often used during negotiation):
    • Pricing and features offered by different vendors
    • Contract terms and conditions
    • Identify the most favorable option that aligns with the budget and needs.
  • Help procurement teams make informed decisions and secure the best value.

By understanding the different types of reports and their applications, you can choose the right tool for the job, maximizing the value you get from your contract management system. Remember, tailoring your reports to your specific needs and objectives is crucial.

How to Build Solid Contract Management Reports

1. Essential Components: Building Blocks for Clear and Useful Reports

Effective contract management reports act as the foundation for informed decision-making. Several crucial components are essential to ensure clarity and usefulness.

  • Contract Status: Provides a real-time snapshot of your contracts (active, expiring, awaiting approval, in breach, etc.) using data from your contract management system.
  • Key Milestones: Highlighting crucial deadlines and benchmarks in your contracts keeps you on track for on-time delivery.
  • Compliance Information: Demonstrating adherence to internal policies and external regulations is vital. Reports should track compliance metrics and identify any potential areas of concern.
  • Financial Data: Understanding the financial implications of your contracts is crucial. Reports should include contract value, savings achieved, and potential financial risks.

2. Visualizing the Data: Presenting Information for Maximum Impact

Numbers and text alone can be overwhelming. To maximize the impact of your reports and ensure clear communication, consider incorporating data visualization techniques:

  • Charts and Graphs: These visual aids present complex data in a clear and easily digestible format, allowing for quick identification of trends and patterns. Contract management software often offers built-in charting functionalities.
  • Tables: For detailed breakdowns and comparisons, well-formatted tables offer a structured way to present information.

Go beyond charts and graphs. Use data to tell a compelling story that highlights key findings and actionable insights.

By combining essential components with effective data visualization, you can create contract management reports that are informative and engaging.

Tailoring Reports to Your Specific Needs: A Strategic Approach

Contract management reports are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Tailor contracts and reports to suit your organization's unique needs.

A. Customization is Key: Aligning Reports with Specific Business Goals

The beauty of contract management software lies in its customization capabilities. You can tailor reports to reflect your organization's unique priorities. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  • Define Relevant KPIs: Identify the metrics that matter most for your business goals. Focus on KPIs like contract cycle time, renewal rates, or cost savings. Contract management software allows you to configure reports to display the most relevant KPIs for your team. Learn more on Complete Guide to Contract Management KPIs
  • Leveraging Drill-Down Capabilities: Many software solutions allow you to drill down into specific data points within reports. It enables you to uncover deeper insights and identify the root causes of issues.
  • Schedule Automated Reports: Regularly scheduled reports delivered to crucial stakeholders keep everyone informed on contract performance and potential areas of concern. Contract management software can automate report generation and distribution.
  • Collaboration through Shared Reports: Contract management software facilitates report sharing and teamwork. It allows different departments to analyze reports together and make informed decisions.

Crafting Effective Contract Management Reports

Effective contract management reports hinge on high-quality data. Here are some best practices to ensure accuracy and generate meaningful insights:

  • Standardized Data Entry: Establish clear guidelines and formats for data entry across your organization. Contract management software can enforce these standards, promoting consistency and minimizing errors.
  • Data Validation Processes: Implement automated or manual data validation checks within your contract management software to catch inconsistencies and ensure data integrity.
  • Regular Data Cleansing: Schedule periodic data cleaning routines to remove outdated or inaccurate information from your system.

Putting Contract Management Reports into Action

A. Real-World Use Cases: Leveraging Reports to Enhance Contract Performance

Here's how you can apply contract management reports in real-world scenarios:

  • Identifying Bottlenecks: Reports can reveal inefficiencies in your contracting process, such as lengthy approval times. It allows you to streamline procedures and expedite contract completion.
  • Optimizing Contract Renewals: Data analysis helps you identify high-performing contracts and prioritize their renewal. Additionally, reports can highlight potential risks associated with contract renewals, allowing for proactive mitigation strategies. Contract management software can automate renewal reminders and generate reports that compare current contract terms with industry benchmarks, informing better negotiation decisions.
  • Risk Management and Mitigation: By proactively identifying potential risks through reports, you can take preventive measures to safeguard your organization. For example, reports might reveal a vendor with a history of missed deadlines, prompting you to seek alternative suppliers. Contract management software can analyze contract language and identify clauses that pose potential risks, allowing for early mitigation efforts.
  • Data-Driven Negotiations: Reports provide valuable ammunition for contract negotiations. You can leverage data on past contract values, industry benchmarks, and your own performance metrics (e.g., on-time delivery rates) to secure more favorable terms. Contract management software allows you to generate comparative reports that strengthen your negotiation position.
  • Improved Communication and Collaboration: Reports foster transparency by providing a shared understanding of contract performance across departments. It facilitates collaboration and informed decision-making. Contract management software allows for shared report access and annotation, enabling teams to discuss findings and make collective decisions.

By applying contract management reports to these scenarios, you can translate data into concrete actions that improve your organization's contracting practices.

B. Communication and Collaboration: Sharing Insights for Informed Decision-Making

Effective communication is vital for maximizing the value of contract management reports. Here are some strategies to ensure insights reach the right people:

  • Tailored Reports for Different Audiences: Reports can be customized for specific audiences, such as senior management or legal teams, highlighting information most relevant to their needs. Contract management software often offers report templating features for easy customization.
  • Automated Report Delivery: Contract management software can automatically schedule reports for key stakeholders, keeping them informed on critical performance metrics.
  • Interactive Reporting Tools: Utilize software features that allow users to explore reports interactively, fostering deeper analysis and data visualization. Contract management software with advanced reporting features may offer drill-down capabilities and customizable dashboards.
  • Collaborative Report Reviews: Schedule meetings to discuss report findings with relevant teams, facilitating shared understanding and informed decision-making. Contract management software can be used as a central repository for reports and communication around contract performance.

Contract management reports empower you to transform complex agreements into clear and actionable insights. You'll find ways to save time, uncover hidden benefits, and make better choices with data every step of the way. Put contract management reports to work for you and see your deals become smoother, more efficient, and ultimately, more successful.

Take control of your contracts. Explore how Databrain Embedded Analytics can streamline your processes, empower data-driven decision-making, and unlock the power of contract analytics. Schedule a free demo today and see how your organization can leverage the power of data-driven contracting.

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